My First Graduate

10:34 PM

How time flies! Do I missed on something? This little boy is just growing up so fast. If only I could stop the time.

I remember our first day of school. It was very challenging! But please don't get me wrong. I know every parents experienced the same way. We just have to be strong for our kids.
(Click here for details.)

I am very happy because I can see his fast improvement especially when he started schooling.

Now that he is not a crying baby anymore, Mas matapang na. I am really proud of you, anak. Even though you are getting older and being Independent little by little, you are still going to be my Baby and Mommy will always guide you, love you and will always help and support you all the way.

Congratulations my Son!

Awards: Best in Reading, Most Improved and Most Behaved #ProudMommy :)

To the Graduate of SY 2015-2016, CONGRATULATIONS!

Thanks for dropping by!

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